- All bookings shall be subject to these terms and conditions.
- The period of hire is that for which the marquee/base tent is required to be ready and available for use.
- The hirer shall indicate the position in which the marquee/base tent (if applicable) is to be erected.
- The hirer will make good all damage to the marquee/base tent once erected on site, other than fair wear and tear.
- This agreement is enforceable by the original parties to it and their successors in title and permitted assigns. Any rights of other parties to enforce the terms of this agreement pursuant to the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 is hereby expressly excluded.
- While every effort will be made to carry out an accepted hiring, it may be subject to cancellation by causes beyond our control. In these circumstances there shall be no liability to the hirer other than return of any deposit.
- In the event of cancellation by the hirer before commencement of the hire period, any deposit paid will be forfeited. In the event of cancellation after the marquee/base tent has been brought to the site, the hirer shall be liable to the full hire charge.
- In respect of the marquee, no alteration should be made to the position of the main support poles, base plates (where used) or ropes. In particular, the support poles should not be moved/lifted to insert any type of flooring.
- In respect of the marquee, the hirer shall provide details of any potential hazards such as pipes or underground/overhead cables in writing when returning the booking form.
- The hirer shall be responsible for the Scout Group's policy excess if the marquee is damaged during the period of hire
- The hirer shall contact the Scout Group immediately if there is anything wrong.