Ways to Help our Scout Group
There are many ways to help our Group and we always welcome offers of help. Broadly, the ways you can help are:
- Help with fundraising activities such as Jumble Sales, Marquee Hires and Barbeques. As well as providing vital income, helping us keep our subscriptions low, these activities are a great way to get involved with the scouting movement, meet like-minded people from the village, and have a bit of fun.
- Help with running the sections (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers).
- Help with Group administration - for example, by joining our Trustee Board.
Help with our Jumble Sales
We hold two jumble sales each year - usually on a Saturday in March and September. The dates are on the Group page. There are several jobs involved in making the jumble sale a success both for the Group and our customers:
- Publicity. The village is leafletted and adverts are put out in local media, including social media. There is a publicity co-ordinator and many helpers who put leaflets through letterboxes in the village.
- Collection. The Scouts and Explorers collect the jumble from the village on the Friday evening. If you have a van, we'd love to hear from you.
- Sorting. The jumble is taken back to the Community Centre where it is sorted and set out on the various stalls, ready for the sale on Saturday.
- Selling. On Saturday afternoon we open our doors to our customers. We typically have two people on the door to collect the entrance fee. The stalls all require manning. We also provide refreshments.
- Clearing. Each year we arrange the disposal of unsold jumble to an organisation, typically a charity, who is able to further sort it and sell it. Usually this requires us to pack the unsold jumble into our transport and take it to their location. We have a minibus but additional transport is always welcome.
- Accounting. We count the cash we have taken and pay our expenses. The balance goes to group funds.
If you can help with any of these activities, please get in touch or join our Jumble Sale Crew mailing list by entering your email address below:
Join the Marquee Crew
The Group owns a Marquee and a Base Tent which are used for Group activities such as camps. They are also available for hire to local organisations. For each hire, we supply a crew who erect the marquee at the customer's site and then take it down at the end of the hire. Whilst the Base Tent is reasonably easy to manage, the Marquee requires a crew of at least six for safety. Afterwards we often visit a local pub.
If you can help with the Marquee or Base Tent, please get in touch or join our Marquee Crew mailing list by entering your email address below:
Help with our Barbeques
Each year, the Group provides several barbeques for local youth groups such as the primary school and the Milton Colts football club.
If you can help with the barbeques, please get in touch. Dates for our barbeques are on the Group page.
Volunteer with one of our Sections
All our leaders are unpaid volunteers who work extremely hard to provide the best opportunities for your child, whilst they are in Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. They are fully trained with the Scout Association's training programme.
However, we are a large Group and more parental help is always welcome. As a volunteer, you can do as little or as much as you want - from making drinks for the young people to arranging activities and events. Adult help, even if it is for a half an hour at a time, is always welcome, and there are usually refreshments available as a thank you.
If you would like to help - either occasionally or more regularly - you will need to complete this Adult Information Form and may be subject to a DBS (formerly CRB) check.
If a DBS check is required we will need to see various forms of identification. See this Identity Checking Guide document for details. Note that 'Route 2' is not currently in use by the Scout Association.
If you can help with the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, or Explorers, please get in touch.
Join our Trustee Board
Trustees play a key part in Scouts, and keep an eye on our vision. They make sure young people have the best experience at Scouts, and check things are being done safely and legally.
Trustees support leaders to deliver a fantastic programme, while having a laugh, making new friends, and learning new skills themselves.
If you are interested in becoming a trustee, please get in touch.