- Hits: 320
Here's the recipe for the cheese and chocolate twists the Cubs baked this evening. We didn't put any pesto in the cheese twists.
- Hits: 475
There are lots of slime recipies on the internet, all very similar. Here's the one we used - except this time we didn't use any shaving foam. As the slime comes together it can be very messy and sticky but the slime soon starts to come together. Some of the cubs wore gloves; most didn't. It's lots of fun.
Before making the slime we had a little talky bit about what P-V-A stands for. Each Cub pretended to be a molecule of Vinyl Acetate. They lined up in their sixes and then polymerised themselves by holding hands. With a bit of cross-linking they became a human model of slime.
With their slime balls made, our young leaders led some silly experiments - such as who could stretch out the slime the furthest.